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A command language on top of D

Til is a command language, like Tcl, built using D.

Being a command language means it is easy to learn – the syntax is restricted. And being built with D means it is very simple to build new packages for it.

(But beware: Til is very opinionated.)

So, in brief, Til is



set x 1
set y 2
set z 3

Sure, it´s a bit unusual to use “set” instead of the much more common syntax x = 1 and to many it may feel too strange but if you can overcome this feeling you´ll see that it´s actually a very elegant way of setting values in a command language.

You see, one of the goals of the language is to have a coherent and simple enough syntax so that you´ll never be trapped in the “but there is more” cycle – instead, learn it once, learn it fast and expect no surprises after that.

Variables values and printing

set s "Hello, World!"
print $s

The snippet above will print Hello, World!. Til has the concept of Atoms, so in set s "Hello, World!" we have 2 Atoms (set and s) and 1 String ("Hello, World!"). And in print $s we have, again, 2 Atoms (print and $s), being the second one a Substitution Atom, that is, an Atom that, when evaluated, returns the value stored in the current context with name s.

ExecLists, Math and String substitutions

set a 11
set b 22
set result [+ $a $b]
print "The result is $result"

The snippet above will print The result is 33. The first new concept is the use of square brackets ([]). They form what we call an ExecList.

An ExecList contains any SubProgram and are evaluated immediately, that is, the SubProgram is executed before the command (in this case, set) is run. So, when saying set result [+ $a $b], + $a $b will be executed and the result (33) will become the last argument of the set command, becoming set result 33.

The last item in this session is string substitution. It works as expected, really: you can reference values inside a string using the $ sign.

Infix notation

Til cares about your comfort, so you don’t have to work with prefix notation! Instead of writing

set result [+ $a $b]

you can write

set result $($a + $b)

Til tries to avoid creating new syntax whenever possible, but this kind of “sugar” makes the programmer’s life much easier.

Notice that prefix notation is the default way of working in Til, since it’s a command language. What the $() does is simply to turn infix into prefix notation.


$(t1 op1 t2 op2 t3 op3 t4)

will become

[op3 [op2 [op1 t1 t2] t3] t4]


The following snippet come from the first version of Redis, when it was still called LMDB:

proc cmd_push {fd argv dir} {
    if {[catch {
        llength $::db([lindex $argv 1])
    }]} {

What is being said is “if there is something in the in-memory database slot whose key is given by the second item inside argv”. The problem is: phew!, that´s a lot of commands, specially for so common operations.

In Til there´s the concept of Extractions:

set d [dict (alfa 11) (beta 22) (gama 33)]
print "alfa is " <$d alfa>
# Output: alfa is 11

The <> syntax follows the pattern <data index> or <data range>. One can retrieve elements from a list easily:

set lista (a b c d e)
print "Second element is " <$lista 1>
# a
print "Fourth and fifth elements are " <$lista 3 5>
# (d e)
print "First element is " <$lista head>
# a
print "Tail is " <$lista tail>
# (b c d e)
print "Even-indexed elements are " <$lista (0 2 4)>
# (a c e)

This makes the code much cleaner and easier to understand. The example from LMDB could be written this way:

proc cmd_push {fd argv dir} {
    if ([list.length <$db <$argv 1>>] > 0) {

Procedures, SubLists and SimpleLists

proc f (x y) {
    return $($x * $y)

In this example you can see how new “functions” are declared. Technically a procedure should not return a value but, you know… It´s so much easier to follow some traditions – for developers coming from Tcl the proc syntax will feel very familiar, so we go with it.

The parameters list, (x y) is a SimpleList. That means its content is not a SubProgram, but simply a list of “ListItems”. This content is not supposed to be executed as a program, but evaluated as a list.

Now, the procedure body is supposed to be executed at some time, so it´s declared as being a SubList, that is, a list of commands that represents a SubProgram. But, contrary to what happens with an ExecList, a SubList will not be executed immediately.

You see, Til is a command language. So proc is, in the end, just another command. It´s signature is proc name parameters body, in which:

So you must pass these “types” to the command or at least something that evauates to these types. If you store a SubList into a variable named body you could say:

proc f (x y) $body

And that´s okay, too. If your parameters list is stored into another variable, you also could say:

proc f $parameters_list $body

And, finally, if your procedure name is also stored into a variable, you coud also say:

proc $procedure_name $parameters_list $body

As long as each variable represents an Atom, a SimpleList and a SubList, you´ll be able to define a new procedure without any problem.


There’s not much magic in pipes: basically, whatever is left on the stack by the command on the left is kept there to be “consumed” by the command on the right.

list 1 2 3 | print
# (1 2 3)

A sequence of commands connected through pipes is called a Pipeline.

Ranges, foreach, comments and Streams

The simplest example showing the use of streams is this foreach that prints the current number from a range of some integer numbers:

range 3 | foreach x {
    print $x

# The expected output is:
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3

(Yup, range will include the “limit” – “3” in this case.)

range is a very versatile command that allows you to create various kinds of ranges and even transform a SimpleList into a data stream.

Any object that have a “method” next is considered a Stream. You can even create your own:

type my_generator {
    proc init () {
        return 0
    proc next ($obj) {
        incr $obj
        if $($obj > 5) { break }
        continue $obj

my_generator | foreach x { print $x }
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5

When to use a Stream?

The rules governing the use of Streams are these:

So, for instance, if you want to walk through a directory you should use a data stream, since you usually cannot guarantee how many entries there are in the directory. And the same applies to data being received from a socket or read from a file.

Interestingly, foreach only works with data streams. And it only accepts one atom to name the current item. If your stream is composed of SimpleLists (that is: if each item is composed of multiple values) you can use destructuring set to store each one into a variable:

my_stream | foreach item {
    # $item is (origin headers data)
    set (origin headers data) $item

That is because the set command can be used to “destructure” a SimpleList:

set a b c (1 2 3)


There is a core concept in Til that is: every program is one file only. There is no “package” in the Python or Ruby sense, like an entity that lives somewhere inside the interpreter´s memory. In Til your packages are only commands providers and any Til code you would want to include into your program must be… included in your program.

Including a file has the same effect as copying its content and pasting where the include command is called.

The syntax is:

include "path/my_code.til"

You see, Til is a nice language, but you´re not supposed to write complex code in Til. If you want to implement some algorithm, write it in D and share it as a package.

The rationale is going to be explained in more details in another article, but for now it suffices to say that Til is a scripting language and you are not encouraged to write much more than “a program” in it, that is, it´s expected to be used as a “command and control” of other components, not as the main language implementing algorithms or data structures.

Errors and error handling

proc throw_error () {
    error "Test error"

proc on.error (x) {
    print "on.error:"
    print "  received: $x"
    print "  IGNORING IT!"

print "Calling procedure `throw_error`..."
print "Procedure `throw_error` was called and the error was handled."


If you want to divide a long algorithm in different scopes but can’t do that using new procedures (for instance: when loading a lot of local variables), you can create a new scope:


scope “load all the necessary variables” { # load them all here }

The new scope share variables with its parent, so they are still visible when it closes, but don’t share new procedures, so you can define them as needed without messing with the parent scope – it’s useful if you have many procedures with the same name but for different contexts

And more

In the Til repository, look for the examples directory.

Building your own packages

See Building your own package.